A magical world plagued with constant strife. But through this heroes manage to emerge in times of need from every race as their existence is threatened. Two of the major powers hold a strong bond despite their differing religious views and distance, and the third is but a myth buried in the sand. Ancient secrets continue to torment the current decade as artifacts and beings thought to be imprisoned walk on the morning sun, prolonging the predawn.
While the Kings rule openly over the people bandits and guilds snake their way through the shadows, countering the Knights of the realm and thus making interrelations difficult. The Cimmerii is one such guild; a constant thorn in the side since the split of the Ancient Empire. They're spread wide, rooted at every major focal point on the continents.
TDE is an original RP world and the entirety of its history is based off of member's threads. Original characters are preferred, but we can't say no to ideas based off of something else: though there has to be significant differences.